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wet dreams

MADA  Monash University

Interior Architecture 2018 

Tutors:  Luca Lana


Wet Dreams studied public bathing culture and its associated bathhouse type.

Participants researched many types of bathing from around the world and examined the role atmosphere plays in the creation of complex social relations.   Heterotopic spaces are constructed through clear demarcation of thresholds and sequencing of atmospheres. Critically engaging with this specialist architectural type and focusing on the atmospheric and threshold conditions may enable compelling ways in which designers can construct space. Here the participants presented their research in a waterproof booklet.  Part two of this work was the construction of a functioning steam room. See 'projects'   



Emma Barrett

Jacob Cutri

Zoe Fayman

Lauren  French

Amanda Luu

Alex Macdonald

Gamze Oguz

(Oliver) Jean-ChristophePetite

Stacey Van de Bunt

Xueting Wu

Siying Xiang

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