Currently undertaking a PhD at Monash University. Queer Ecological Architecture: Queer Bodies and ecology in production of queer places. Supervisors: Dr Jason Crow and Dr Alex Brown
In the face of human-made climate change, there has been a growing use of queer theory directed towards post-humanist environmental concerns. ‘Queer ecology’, a term first coined by Catriona Sandilands in 1994 was initially used as a theoretical framework for the queering of ecology and associated sciences and has since emerged as a popular interdisciplinary tool amongst the sciences and creative fields to discuss divisional human/ecological relationships.
Architectural discourse is often secured as exclusionary of both the natural and queer therefore my project leverages (but is not limited to) existing and overlapping dialogues of queer theory, queer ecology, material feminism and phenomenological studies within the field of architecture. The intention is to form an understanding of material practices that surround sites of queer occupation that overlap with a queer ecological focus.
While the growing body of literature on queer ecology addresses the until recent limitations of environmentally concerned queer theoretical literature, there still remains a significant gap in that literature concerning queer architecture or design methods that are environmentally oriented let alone any substantive mention of architecture and queer ecology
Further enriched by the inclusion of a queer theoretical perspective, techniques from an expanded architectural practice such as hybrid mapping are used to analyse three sites of queer occupation.
The resultant thesis and project work combine to communicate where and how instances of queer occupation and their associated material practices overlap with and expand queer ecological conversations.
MADA Gallery: Queer Geology - Collaborative research project

“...ruinous worlds in which the human and otherwise are learning to co-inhabit.42 This vestige landscape, home to migrant birds, rare flora, and a range of imported species including the queers all share the precarity of making homes during the Anthropocene.."
Luca Lana. “Queer Terrain: Architecture of Queer Ecology.” In Proceedings of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand: 38, Ultra: Positions and Polarities Beyond Crisis, edited by David Kroll, James Curry and Madeline Nolan, 355-365. Adelaide: SAHANZ, 2022.