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no monument 

RMIT University

Interior Technology  2017 

Tutors:  Luca Lana



Dr Michael Hamel-Green, social sciences professor at the College of Arts at Victoria University Melbourne former inmate of Pentridge has approached Q-studio regarding a  sculpture commemorating those imprisoned for acts of civil disobedience against injustice, war, and discrimination.


Once notorious institution Pentridge Prison is now home to a new suburb with a proposed shopping center and hotel. Little known  to the new community was the plight of conscientious objectors imprisoned for resisting conscription for the Vietnam war, men imprisoned for homosexual acts and even suffragettes


No Monument asked participants to gather research document and build models for an anti-monument proposed for the Pentridge Prison site.  Participants looked at precedents such as the work of Maya Lin, Peter Eisenman and local examples of anti-monuments.




Courtney Olds

Madeleine Moraitis

Georgia Campbell

Jasmine Irvine

Livia Bell

Joshua Anderson

Jeremy Hsu

Ke Ma



yang yang

Heureum tream Ju

Yutong Guo

Yuxin Lin

Anqi Han

Chenxi Lin

Jennifer Rothwell

Madilyn Weekley

Anh Khoa

Joseph Nguyen


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